The smart choice of robotic milking

Head your cows in groups M²erlin Meridian enables automatic group milking of cows without direct supervision, thus, your time is liberated to other important work. As soon as the group has almost finished milking, the next group can be brought in for milking. Thanks to its unique layout, the M²erlin Meridian can be adjusted to your preferred milking arrangement, thus, continuous milking of cows that fits your schedule is ensured. No matter the size of the farm, the M²erlin Meridian makes milking smoother, more efficient and more productive, for improved cow comfort and higher yields, at an affordable price.


The automated milking solution keeps the cows comfortably in the interest of the taller yield and efficiency, without there being need for staff in the stable.
  • Greater capacity per box.
  • There is not a whirl plateau, low one the risk of the breakdown, and with a long lifetime with robust forming.
  • Flexible Installation and Working with your individual needs
  • Uninterrupted milking without unnecessary interruptions and delays.

Main characteristics

Az M²erlin Meridian középpontjában a fejlett M²erlin robot áll. Az M²erlin Meridian a tehenek kényelmét szolgálja a hatékonyabb fejés és a magasabb hozam érdekében, és gyakorlatilag egy M²erlin robotflottát bocsát az Ön rendelkezésére, mindegyiknek egyedi, zökkenőmentes tehén be- és kiléptetéssel.


Az M²erlin Meridian a lehető legzökkenőmentesebb és leghatékonyabb fejési környezetet teremti meg, bármilyenek is legyenek a körülmények.

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